Foundations of Grace Publishing

Brothers artwork

Price: $15.00

This painting, also used for the front cover, was made from a photo taken by one of the Myanmar Team members during a 2014 visit to Kruk Village. We chose this image because it captured so much of the meaning and many of the important elements of the story of Naing Thang. Pastor Naing Thang is seen here wearing his traditional longyi and walking with the author up the main road in his home village. This is the road Pastor Naing helped plan and build between the houses by faith that one day vehicles would make it to this most remote of destinations. Not only did this happen as he had believed it would, but the first vehicle was the ministry truck Mission To Myanmar purchased for him. This roadis also the place Pastor Naing prayed as a child and asked God to move his entire village to if He had called him into the ministry. It is only a few feet up this road from where he is walking in the painting where he met his wife May Swei for the first time after saying he’d marry the first woman to greet him when he returned to the village. At the top of this small hill on top of this large mountain, on the left, you can also see the front of Pastor Naing’s boyhood home, which is also where he asked for his wife’s hand in marriage. Meaningful indeed!

“Thank you for spending your precious time with me as I shared my heart and this incredible story. I hope to share many more adventures with you in the years to come.”M. A. Robinette

© 2025